I started this blog to share my passion for astrology. But perhaps because of the whole 2012 shift that I wrote about here, I changed since last I wrote in ways that I can't even begin to put into words. In a nutshell, I realized that there are things I want to do that go far beyond what I can do with astrology. I decided to own all of my self, and not just this one bit. I still love astrology, but I realized astrology for me is like the little pond in my backyard, whereas I want to set sail to undiscovered oceans that no one has been before. And I already took off... just came back here one last time to say goodbye...

Keep well everyone.

Just remember: all you need to know is yourself...


all is well in all of creation...


January 11, 2011

From Now (11:11) Until 2012 - Part III: What is magic and how do we create it?

Yet another magical day... Today's magic is in the numerology of the date. 1-11-11. It is magical because I choose to see in this alignment of numbers the magic of 11:11. There are many people around me who think seeing magic in numbers (or planets for that matter) means I've gone completely nuts. Well, if finding magic in things I see around me means I am crazy, so be it. And even if so, just because I am crazy doesn't mean magic doesn't exist. :) 

Actually, I agree that there is nothing magical in numbers or planets themselves. The source of magic - like anything else in our reality - is within ourselves. It is I who places magic in the number 11:11. I do it by choosing to perceive it as magical. If I have the choice to either see magic in what is before me, or to ignore all such things because it is not rational, then by all means, I am choosing the former. For me, there is virtually no difference between choosing to see amazing beauty in a lovely sunset and awesome magic in the alignment of numbers. They are both in the eyes of the beholder. If I can create magic in my life by choosing to perceive it around me, why would I choose a dull reality with no magic and no beauty in it? I choose to have a beautiful reality full of magic.

So in a way, I am actually admitting that magic is an illusion that I project upon things. But isn't everything in our reality illusion? Imagine yourself standing on the beach where there is nothing but sand stretching out across the shore in both directions all evenly spread out, so you don't have any reference that would show you how much you moved, or if you moved at all. Illusion is like drawing a line in the sand. And then using this line to step over on to the other side. So now we know we have moved. If there was no line there, we would not have the experience of being in a different place than we were before. So by drawing a line in the sand, we have created the experience of change and movement. Does the line really exist? Not really because it is, after all, only a temporary change in the way sand is arranged before us. A wave can come any minute to wash it away. Yet that line brought real change into our life. The line is not real, but the experience we had thanks to it is. And all that matters is experience, not what is out there that brings it about. 

This is how illusions are the gateways to experience. Depending on the kind of experience I want, I can draw all sorts of lines on the sand. And we are not bound by just drawing lines. The beach is like our sandbox and we are free to do whatever we want in it. We can build sand castles, landscapes or anything else we can imagine. And each creation will allow us the have a different kind of experience. This is how we create our own reality. What can be more magical than using illusionary lines to create whatever we want? 

So, just like the recent eclipse, or the year 2012, the 11:11 number is also a line I choose to draw in sand, so that I can experience a movement. The movement is one of consciousness. The magic I choose to see in the recurrence of the number 11 is one that prepares me for an awesome  experience that is approaching. 

The magic of the number 11 is that it is the last step before the completion of the circle. The last hour before the day ends and a new one begins. The eleventh month, the eleventh sign of the zodiac, the eleventh house in astrology all represent remaining changes that need to occur before the last - twelfth - house is reached and the cycle is completed. This is why the eleventh sign (Aquarius) and the eleventh house in astrology represent, among other things, revolutionary change that bring freedom from restraints and limitations. It is about the clearing of things that keep us stuck in old ways and structures to bring liberation and independence. The recurrence of 11 in our lives (like seeing 11:11 on digital clocks or counters) is often interpreted as a reminder or a wake-up call signaling that the end is coming. 

End of what, you might ask. It is the end of duality, represented by the number 2 which is also hidden in the number 11 (1+1=2). It is the time when all the necessary changes will take place before we can transcend duality and reach a state of completeness within our self. That is why 11 is seen as the number of awakening and ascension. It is a reminder that prepares us toward the final hour of completion: being One with our higher self, our spirit, our divine essence. 

The magic of the number 11 also ties in with the 2012 phenomenon. This whole year carries the energy of 11, which means that this year will be full of revolutionary change and unexpected events that clear away all barriers to prepare each one of us who choose to go beyond the magical line in the sand for what is coming up ahead in 2012. We will see a lot of 11's this year, since it will be on every calendar at least once every day. One very special day is coming up in 11.11.11, exactly 11 months from today when there will be another special alignment (Grand Trine-Kite) and a full moon. Overall, this 11-year will be like the line drawn in sand so that we can step over into the 12-year of completion of the old times and the beginning of the new.  As ancient Hindus and Mayans saw, the new that is to begin in 2012 is the Golden Age of humanity. It is the beginning of a New Earth that will be inhabited by awakened human beings who will be creating Heaven on Earth. It can't get more magical than that. 

Combining the energy of the number 11 with the energies set off by the Dec 21 and January 4 eclipses is like drawing several lines in the sand on top of each other that all join their magical powers to form a very special kind of a line that is more like an interdimensional gateway. In this case moving to the other side of the line would correspond to moving (or rather, expanding our awareness) to the other side of the veil. As I talked about here, the waves of energies launched by the eclipses are all designed to wash away the veil that separates and hides our divine essence, our god-self from our human awareness. When we add to that the magic of the number 11 that marks this year with the energy of fast revolutionary change toward spiritual freedom and independence, we get a year full of fast change and transformation that will clear away old structures, restraints and limitations to open the way to the Golden Age of Humanity on Earth. 

And so it is.

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