I started this blog to share my passion for astrology. But perhaps because of the whole 2012 shift that I wrote about here, I changed since last I wrote in ways that I can't even begin to put into words. In a nutshell, I realized that there are things I want to do that go far beyond what I can do with astrology. I decided to own all of my self, and not just this one bit. I still love astrology, but I realized astrology for me is like the little pond in my backyard, whereas I want to set sail to undiscovered oceans that no one has been before. And I already took off... just came back here one last time to say goodbye...

Keep well everyone.

Just remember: all you need to know is yourself...


all is well in all of creation...


February 18, 2011

What happens after 2012 - Beginning of the New Earth

It may seem as if I've wandered away from astrology but I haven't. I look at daily charts and everyday I see another meaningful pattern or alignment, but if I tried to write about each, I'd be typing away here everyday. And basically I'd be saying the same thing over and over. Because the patterns forming in the skies these days are all just continuation of the 21 December 2010 event that I wrote about here. Or so they seem to me. It is like the planets are rearranging themselves everyday to highlight yet another aspect of great transformation that we are going through. So rather than writing about the specific components of this transformation, I prefer writing on what this great change is all about, and where it is taking us. There is so much to be said on this that I don't want to get lost in the astrological details of daily transitions, because these details only make sense as part of the larger picture. 

So what is the larger picture? As I wrote in my last post, we are going through a great shift of consciousness when everyday more and more people are starting to awaken. Sometimes it is the death of a loved one. Sometimes it is a catastrophic event or a natural disaster that takes away everything that they valued. Sometimes it is a serious illness, or an accident. Or sometimes it is just something they saw in a film, or read in a book... No matter how it comes, suddenly you find yourself looking at your life and your self as if you are seeing it for the first time. You start to realize you are so much more than what/who you thought you are. You realize you are not just a human in this body. There is a deeper part of you that is so beyond just this human body and this life. A part of you that is somehow connected to whatever is beyond life on earth. Call that part of you your soul if you want. Some call it your spirit-self. Or higher-self. Or divine-self. Or god-self. Or expanded-self. It is all the same. You realize you are a souled being who has an existence far beyond the limitations of the human body and the human life span. You feel as if this part of you was asleep until then, and it just woke up. You just woke up. 

This time of awakening is represented by two things in the charts of this period: One is how transiting Pluto passed over the north node of the moon through 2010 (deep transformation of human consciousness), and the other is Uranus (awakening) conjuncting Jupiter (expansion) making a 90' angle to Pluto and the north node. Mind you, all this is happening smack on top of the Galactic Center, and what is called the "Gate of God" as I wrote here. It is this conjunction that is connecting the astrology of this period to the Mayan prediction about 2012. 

As many have already written, the Mayan prediction is not about the end of the world, it is the beginning of the Golden Age of humanity. The "apocalypse" that some predicted will happen in 2012, actually means 'revelation' or 'the lifting of the veil'. The same veil that separates the human from their soul. The veil that the energy waves of this period are washing away. 

What will emerge from this period of intense and deep (Pluto) but fast (Uranus) transformation is the New Earth. 

The New Earth is the home of awakened humans. It is a new life on Earth where awakened humans can live as fully sovereign creator-beings. Such people will emerge (actually they already started to emerge) in politics, finance, science, technology, engineering, religious institutions, schools, and every other part of human life. They will (are already) change(ing) these institutions from inside out. Old systems that are not compatible with the beauty, harmony, wisdom and especially the freedom of the human soul will crumble away to be replaced by new compatible systems that operate to honor and exalt the human soul instead of controlling and coercing it like old systems did. Imagine what this would entail if it really happened in politics. In the economy and the business world. In schools. In the media. In religious institutions. In families. Even if you cannot imagine it, it will happen. It is happening. 

Look at how it is already happening all over the world. Old control mechanisms that were based on lies, deception, coercion and secrecy are coming down one by one. Look at what happened with Wikileaks, what is happening all over the Middle East, which will likely spread over to Asian countries including North Korea and China soon. Also look at what's happening in science and technology. New discoveries are being made everyday that will change essential things like medicine, transportation, communication and agriculture. It is very likely that the use of oil as an energy source will be abandoned in the next decade to be replaced by much cleaner, cheaper and efficient new energy sources. Imagine the extent of change just the abandonment of oil itself will bring in the power and economic structures all over the world.

The New Earth will not have formed overnight right after 2012, but it will start to become more and more visible. It's foundations have already been laid. Based on what has been said on this by Kryon, Tobias and other similar sources, this new life called the golden age of humanity will become the dominant life in about two to three decades from now. Looking at the dominant level of consciousness of the world today, this may seem unrealistic to you now, but with the amazing pace and scope of  changes going on right now, I wouldn't be surprised if it happened sooner rather than later.

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