On December 21 there is a very powerful configuration of the stars. Many different astrological events are coinciding this day. There is a full lunar eclipse. It is also the winter equinox. Furthermore, numerologically this day has a similar significance to that of the famous 12-21-12 date, since this one is a 12-21-21 day. This simultaneity is itself important, but what is more significant is how all the planets, astrological points (the moon's nodes and Lilith) and even some of the fixed stars (Beeltegeuse, Polaris) are collectively involved in forming a very rare pattern. The pattern I see is not one of the standard astrological patterns like the grand trine, or the grand cross, but it is what I call a "crossbow" pattern, because the way the stars appear to be aligned look very much like a double crossbow. This is a pattern I made up, but I think it is as astrologically meaningful as the other recognized patterns, if not more. To me, such a crossbow pattern means all the energies of the involved planets converge on the arrowtip of the crossbow, as if to launch it off in the direction that the crossbow is pointing at.
I find this configuration to be very rare, very powerful and highly significant for a couple of reasons. First, none of the main planets and points are left out. Planets form interesting patterns up there all the time. But it is very rare that these patterns involve all the main planets. Even in the famous Harmonic Convergence of 1987 (Grand Trine), or the Concordance of 2003 (Grand Sextile) some of the major planets did not take part in the making of these grand patterns. But in the "grand crossbow" of December 21, no planet is left out. This in itself makes this configuration very powerful, since it means the energies of all the astrologically significant planets are coming together.
Second, because of what a crossbow represents, the energies of this pattern is very focused. And the focus is right at the strongest point of the chart where the energies of all the planets converge. This would be the tip of the crossbow.
Third, the fact that this convergence of energies is happening not only on the equinox boosted by an eclipse but also on the south-north karmic node axis all suggest that this astrological event is highly significant existentially and spiritually involving the future of humanity in general. To me, this means that this event involves the transformation of the very core of human existence on earth. Well, perhaps all astrological events involve this one way or another. But this one is unique in being totally focused right at the heart of the matter.
Last, but not least, is that the focal point of the crossbow pattern coincides with the Galactic Center at 27 degrees Sagittarius. The Galactic Center represents the point of origin of our universe, or the center of Creation. It is also the point which gives the significance of the famous winter solstice day on 21 December 2012 when the ecliptic will be passing from the closest point to the Galactic Center. This means that the astrological event that will take place on 21 December 2010 relates not only to the famous 2012 turning point, but also to the gateway to Home. Of course, as all astrological points, the Galactic Center, and hence the gateway to Home, is not out there, but here inside within us. Since this is a highly significant topic in itself, I'll talk about it in more detail later.
At this focal point represented by the tip of the crossbow is a powerful conjunction of the Sun (representing the Self), Pluto, Mars and Mercury all converged right on the north node (representing the future). On the 90' left of this powerful conjunction is another gathering of Uranus, Jupiter and Lilith, and a Chiron-Neptune conjuntion on its 60' left. On the right is Saturn (90') and Venus(60'). These would be the two corners of the crossbow from which the the arrow will be drawing its power to launch forward with grace (Venus), determination and confidence (Saturn), magnified by the energy of abundance (Jupiter), freedom (Uranus) and imaginative creativity (Lilith and Neptune).
What this all means to me is that all the planets are bringing together their energies to blast the Sun (the Self) into the future. Since this chart will be the same (even if for a moment) all over the world right at the time of the eclipse, the Sun not only represents us as an individual, but all of humanity as a whole. So we will feel this burst of energy and its effects not only personally in our lives, but also all around the world in general.
Most astrologers will tell you how you'll personally experience this amazing burst of energy in your life, its intensity, in what issue or area it will manifest will depend on your own natal chart. They will likely tell you how you can be prepared, or even brace yourself to get through this intense transition of the planets. But this is old-school way of seeing things.
In my understanding, how you will experience this energy is totally up to you. If you choose to buy into frightening scenarios of fear and conspiracy, you will experience this energy exactly like that. If you choose to just ignore the whole thing and let it pass, then these energies will most likely ignore you and pass you by. Alternatively, if you choose to use this energetic crossbow to shoot yourself in to the future of your choice, then, that's what will happen. Because of the energies and the unique configuration of the planets involved in this event, this will happen very fast, sharp and clean. Pretty much like the precision ans swiftness of an arrow shot by a master archer. (You may say, you are not a master archer, but you will become one the second you choose to pick up this energetic crossbow). Personally, I will be choosing the last option. I'll use this amazing stellar launching pad to launch myself into my Home.
More on the 12-21-2010 alignment: 2012 is happening now!
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