I started this blog to share my passion for astrology. But perhaps because of the whole 2012 shift that I wrote about here, I changed since last I wrote in ways that I can't even begin to put into words. In a nutshell, I realized that there are things I want to do that go far beyond what I can do with astrology. I decided to own all of my self, and not just this one bit. I still love astrology, but I realized astrology for me is like the little pond in my backyard, whereas I want to set sail to undiscovered oceans that no one has been before. And I already took off... just came back here one last time to say goodbye...

Keep well everyone.

Just remember: all you need to know is yourself...


all is well in all of creation...


December 21, 2010

2012 is happening now! (on 21 December 2010)

My interest in 2012 has been as much as the next person. Curious but wouldn't bet anything on it. And all the brouhaha about Planet X or Marduk, or a polar shift that brings catastrophe and destruction all over the world just sounded - and still sounds - to me like a huge pile of drama that someone made up out of boredom to get a kick out of some conspiracy or another... Still, wanting to give this date the benefit of the doubt, I checked the charts for 2012 but couldn't see anything special. So I let it go, thinking whatever will happen will happen, resting assured that it will eventually serve us in wonderful ways, as it always does.

Then I saw the chart for 21 December 2010 with a full lunar eclipse on the day of the Winter Solstice. This event that I wrote about here was so awesome that it inspired me to start a blog about all the wonder I see in the skies. What amazed me was this Solstice/Eclipse was happening exactly on the day of the famous 21-12-2012, but two years ahead of time.

Could they be mistaken about 2012? The more I study the charts for both solstices on 2010 and 2012, and the more I look into the whole 2012 thing, the more I am convinced that what was expected to happen on December 2012 is actually happening now in 21 December 2010.

I mean, even numerologically, 12-21-2010 is a better fit than 12-21-2012...  It is the one in 2010 that is made up of three 12s, which sums up to 9 - representing completion. This works for 2012 only if the year is abbreviated to the last two digits.

And then when you look at the charts, it becomes pretty clear that the significant date is the one in 2010 and not in 2012. In 2012 there is nothing special about the stars. Zilch. Nada. Even when you try to stretch the angles between the planets to their meaningful maximums, there is still nothing. But on 21 December of 2010, there is close to everything astrologically significant all coinciding. A full lunar eclipse on the day of the Winter Solstice, a very meaningful alignment where all astrologically significant planets and points are involved, and the unique pattern formed by this alignment pointing at the Galactic Center at 27' Sagittarius. 

But, I thought, there had to be something that justified the fame of the 2012 date, so I dug deep into the internet to find an explanation for the significance of 12-21-2012. That's when I learned that apart from being marked as the ending of time on the Mayan calendar, the only other thing is that the Ecliptic (the plane of our solar system) will be crossing over the Galactic Equator (more on this here) which also happens to coincide with the Galactic Center. This means that our solar system is completing a 26,000 year cycle as it crosses over the plane of our galaxy. However, this crossing involves a 36 year time period which started in 1980, with its exact center having already happened in 1998.

So from what I can tell, nothing astronomically or celestially significant is happening on 12-21-2012. 

Now I am fully convinced what was expected to happen on 21 Dec 2012 is actually going to happen now, today on 21 December 2010.

OK let's say it is happening today. So? What does all this mean?

When I look at the map of the sky of today, what I see is a beautiful alignment of all the planets that gathered together to point at, what, to me, is one of the most magical spots in the skies - the center of our Galaxy, which is where it all started. I mean, the point of origin, the beginning point of all creation. To me, this is the place where we left Home and stepped into our existence as individual beings separated from All That Is. The absolute Oneness. Call it God if you will. I like to call it Home.

If all the planets have gathered today to point at our point of origin, I take this amazing astrological alignment as the beginning of an amazing time of change and transformation that will take us Home. Or rather, that will bring Home here to us as we continue to live our human lives in our human bodies. It is the beginning of a time of awesome discovery that the Home we've been seeking to go back to since the beginning of our separate existence as individual beings is within each one of us... The awesome realization that we are now on our way to merge with the God within, our own divine self descending to come and be One with us in this human body. All this is revealed in the amazing astrological alignment of today, which you can read about here.


  1. wow, this is really exciting. thank you!

  2. I was part of the Jonette Crowley group who went to Egypt to perform an initiation of the planet in the King's Chamber of the Great Pyramid on the 2010 solstice. As far as I can tell we were there during the lunar eclipse on the East Coast of the US.

    It is awesome to discover that we may have been part of this Great Shift. Until now, I believed the 2012 solstice was "IT." Thank you for sharing your truth.

  3. According to the Zetas at ZetaTalk.com. The discrepency lies in the fact that there have been several pole shifts since the calander was made & way back when a year their was only 360 days. So thats why we're 2years ahead of schedule. The works of Velikovsky & Sitchin are more pertainent to our galactic reality with the return of Niburu on its' 3600 year orbit to once again wreak havoc on our Mother Earth. When once again the "gods" will desend from the heavens to help humanity recover from another one of Mother Earths cleansing cycles to rid herself of the human virus infecting her. This time with the end of our 26k year cycle homo sapiens will be allowed to self destruct & the introduction of ET hybrids will be allowed to florish & accepted into the Galactic Federation as we leave behind our selfish me-me ways & recognise that injury & injustice to one is injury & injustice to all.

  4. I totally agree with your blog and the 2010 date as beginning the transition to the new age. The funny part is that I am a Christian and believe all of this is actually religion based. Of course, the majority of my friends are Doomsdayers but not me. Actually, I am 98% certain that we are approaching Revelations 20-23, which talks about the 2nd and final release (but short) of Lucifer on earth before the new earth begins. We are going to witness the Gog-Magog event (see rev 21-22) and Israel saved supernaturally. After this event, the world will never be as we know it today. We can't fathom what the earth will be like after this event and the dark forces are gone forever. I believe that when the blood moon occurred is when it started and he (Lucifer) was released to create havoc and attempt his takeover. But he will fail and the earth will be an awesome place once we enter the New Age....

  5. Could you post a chart for December 21, 2012, so we can see "nothing special about the stars. Zilch. Nada. Even when you try to stretch the angles between the planets to their meaningful maximums, there is still nothing."

  6. Sorry for not posting your comment until now Billii, I did not have access to my blog until recently. I will post a chart for 2012 soon.
