I started this blog to share my passion for astrology. But perhaps because of the whole 2012 shift that I wrote about here, I changed since last I wrote in ways that I can't even begin to put into words. In a nutshell, I realized that there are things I want to do that go far beyond what I can do with astrology. I decided to own all of my self, and not just this one bit. I still love astrology, but I realized astrology for me is like the little pond in my backyard, whereas I want to set sail to undiscovered oceans that no one has been before. And I already took off... just came back here one last time to say goodbye...

Keep well everyone.

Just remember: all you need to know is yourself...


all is well in all of creation...


December 21, 2010

What is 2012 (2010) about? -- Returning Home

Now that I'm convinced the start-off for the famous 2012 date is actually 21 December 2010 (look here), I want to explore what this astrological alignment is all about.

First of all, there is no doubt anymore that this date is very significant both astrologically and astronomically. Even NASA issued a report about how rare it is to have a lunar eclipse on the same day of solstice. What NASA does not take into account is that the Winter Solstice Sun that is coinciding with the eclipse is also coinciding with the Galactic Center (the point on the ecliptic as viewed from Earth that faces the center of our Galaxy) on this day. This is something that happens once every 26,000 years and is the basis of the Mayan prediction that underlies the significance of 2012. So what is already a very rare event that happens once in about 500 years as reported by NASA, is coinciding with a much rarer event that apparently has a deeper and more profound significance relating to the nature of human existence on earth and the evolution of human consciousness, which goes through a 26,000 year cycle.

What makes today so special  is not only the rareness of the event, but also the astrological/esoteric/spiritual (or poetic, as I prefer to call it) meaning of this incredible alignment. 

As I talked about here, the pattern formed by the planets looks most like a crossbow pointing at the position of the sun that is coinciding with the Galactic Center. This pattern does not have an official name in astrological jargon, but it is most similar to a "yod" which also involves the alignment of planets as if they are all pointing at one direction. That is why, the Yod pattern is also called the "Finger of God" since it appears to be a celestial sign-post designed to be pointing at a precise direction. Needless to say, whether a crossbow, or a Yod pattern, the point at which all the planets are pointing is very significant. In the chart of 21 December 2010, the celestial Finger of God is pointing at the position of the sun standing right on the Galactic Center.

If God and the stars are going so out of their way to point at the Galactic Center, then I feel I must explore the poetic meaning of what this center is all about. 

The Galactic Center is where it all started. "It" being, the point of origin of the universe as we know it. The original point of the Big Bang, the beginning of Creation, the gateway to and from Heaven, the Kingdom of God, the absolute Oneness, the point at which we separated from the Oneness to become individual beings,  the Great Womb from which we were born, the Divine Home from where we came, or whatever else you would like to call it. So at first sight, God's Finger appears to be pointing us in the direction of Home.

The divine irony of the situation is that at this point where the Galactic Center resides, there is now a humongous black hole. I say divine irony, because I see this as God's way of telling us that Home is not where we think it is any more while at the same time we are directed toward it. So I take a closer look. When I do, I see that God's Finger is not only pointing at the Galactic Center, but also at the Sun that is coinciding with the Galactic Center. In astrology, the Sun represents the Self. Its symbol is a circled dot, the circumpunct. The circle represents the human body as the shell which circumscribes so as to protect, but also hide, the dot within. The dot that is so carefully shielded by the body represents the divinity within, the center of our own individual existence, the point of our own unique divine origin.

So when the Finger of God is pointing at the Sun that is coinciding with the Galactic Center, I understand this as God's poetic way of telling us that the Home we seek can now be found within... Home is not out there where we came from, but it is in here, inside each one us. So going back Home, back to our heavenly origin of Creation really means coming to the realization that the Creator is our Self. It is that divine point of creation hidden in the center of our being. The Galactic Center of Creation is now coinciding with the Divine Center of the Human. It is the realization that You are God also.

When we add to this alignment that is already incredible on its own the Winter Solstice and the Eclipse, that is when it becomes out-of-this-world magical that makes astronomical rareness a mundane quality.

To me, the Winter Solstice symbolizes the beginning of light at the darkest hour of human existence. It is a celestial reminder that the Sun's light will always find you even when you feel you are the farthest from it. 

The Lunar Eclipse, on the other hand, is when the shadow of the Earth (our human body) hides the Moon (our human soul) from sight (awareness). It is a beautiful reminder that invites us to become aware of the existence of our soul that is eclipsed behind the material reality of our human existence.

When these events, each awesome in their own right, all come together on this magical day of 21 December 2010, it is like the opening of an amazing celestial gate in front of us that will take us Home to ourself where we will meet and become One with our own divine self. It is the bringing into light the God within, which has been hidden away from our human awareness.

Coming up: What will the 21 December 2010 alignment bring to our lives?

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