I started this blog to share my passion for astrology. But perhaps because of the whole 2012 shift that I wrote about here, I changed since last I wrote in ways that I can't even begin to put into words. In a nutshell, I realized that there are things I want to do that go far beyond what I can do with astrology. I decided to own all of my self, and not just this one bit. I still love astrology, but I realized astrology for me is like the little pond in my backyard, whereas I want to set sail to undiscovered oceans that no one has been before. And I already took off... just came back here one last time to say goodbye...

Keep well everyone.

Just remember: all you need to know is yourself...


all is well in all of creation...


January 31, 2011

What exactly will happen in 2012 - The Great Shift of Consciousness

I was so inspired by the Eclipse/Solstice of 12 December 2010 that I decided to start my own blog on astrology. When I first saw how planets all came together in a beautiful pattern that day, and how that rare pattern was coinciding with other very rare events themselves, like the alignment with the Galactic Center that is related to the 2012 phenomenon, my jaw had dropped in awe. As I wrote here, I was convinced that this amazing cosmic synchronicity was in fact the real 2012 turning point that the Mayans had predicted.

However, since then I've been looking more into the whole 2012 phenomenon and noticing how there are many others who claim that 2012 already happened. Some claim it happened in 1998 when the center of the Sun passed through the Galactic Center as I also talked about. Some suggest that the astrological component of 2012 happened in 2003 when we had the Harmonic Concordance, which was an astounding  astrological event that happened on November 8, 2003. Others (Kryon, Tobias) suggest it happened in September 2007, on a  numerologically significant 9-9-9 day, when humanity had a 'Quantum Leap' of consciousness. And of course, there are still many others who claim that it will happen in 21 December 2012.

Even though I am still convinced that 21 December 2010 is the most significant date among all these (since it is the only one when all there components - astrology, numerology and the Galactic Alignment coincide on the same day), after reading all this I realized that the exact date really doesn't matter that much for several reasons.

Let me first underline that this date marks a turning point in the consciousness of humanity. I invite you to take a deep breath at this point and consider what this means. In the next series of posts I'll be writing at length on what this shift means and what it will bring. 

First of all, which ever is the 'real' date, nothing is going to happen exactly on that date anyway. Consciousness of humanity means the overall level of awareness, maturity, wisdom, discernment, depth of insight that humanity has reached. If we think of humanity as a person, then, a shift in the consciousness of humanity would be similar to a shift in that person's development such as from childhood to adolescence, or from there  into adulthood. When do such shifts happen? Obviously it is not possible to pinpoint exact dates. The shift takes place over a course of time, often several years before the full transformation is complete. Similarly, a shift in the consciousness of humanity will take place over the course of several years, if not decades or even centuries. So if different sources provide different dates that will mark the turning point of the great shift in human consciousness, this is not because some are wrong and others are right, but because these dates mark smaller shifts in energy that are different stepping stones, all vital parts of the same grand transformation.

In any case, looking at recent events that's been happening all over the world (including, and perhaps most importantly, the election of Barack Obama as president, or Wikileaks disclosures that are now bringing down one shady government after another) and taking into astrological, numerological and astronomical indicators, it is clear to me that we are not only in the most intense phase of this transformation, but also very close to its completion. The same indicators also suggest that this year will be really pivotal in clearing the way for what is to come, as I wrote about here.

The exact date doesn't matter also because a shift in consciousness is something that starts in the nonphysical dimensions of our existence. A shift in consciousness involves an expansion of awareness, insight and wisdom - summed up as "awakening" - that cannot be measured in terms of amount, length, speed or duration. What is crucial here is, it is this shift of consciousness that will bring about all the changes in our individual lives, and the life of humanity as a whole. It will result in big breakthroughs in science and technology; radical changes in political and economic systems, social, religious and cultural institutions; or great leaps of creativity in the arts. It will also bring about radical changes in the structure of the earth itself (such as earthquakes, tornadoes, floods, etc). 

As profound as all these changes sound, the starting point of it all is the very intimate and personal  inner spaces of the individual. Even if the outcome involves all of humanity as a whole, the shift of consciousness happens one individual at a time. So the whole deal with 2012 is not about a specific event or a series of events that will happen on or around that date, but about what happens inside of us individually. And the starting point, pace and intensity of this transformation is different for each person. But there is a point when the number of awakened humans will have reached a critical mass such that after that point, the wisdom, insight and awareness of that level of consciousness will now be available to all of humanity as a whole. This is sometimes referred to as the Hundredth Monkey Effect. This is what the 2012 date really refers to. It is the reaching of that critical point in the number of awakened humans, after which that awakening becomes an attribute of all of humanity as a whole.

Whether this date has actually been reached already, or will be reached in 2012 doesn't really matter because the physical manifestation of this shift as actual events and material changes in our lives will take some time, ranging from months when it comes to personal issues, to years when it comes to grander changes as in governments, economic systems, science and technology.

Finally, even though the shift of consciousness we are currently going through is taking place over the course of several years, it is by far the most significant and fastest one humanity has - and possibly will ever have - experienced. There have been other major shifts in human history as we know it. Leaving aside the Lemurian and the Atlantean times for now, some of the well-known shifts are one that took place around the 6th century BC particularly focused in ancient Greece, the Renaissance period starting in the 14th century in Southern Europe, the Enlightenment period of the 18th century, or the 1940s after World War II. As you might notice, the frequency, speed and duration of these shifts have been increasing  geometrically. When these shifts used to take place over the course of a couple of centuries, involving several generations, now it is taking place over the course of a few years, even months. 

But more importantly, this time, the shift is happening so fast and involves such depth that it has been rightly called a "quantum leap" where the rate of change and expansion of human consciousness is literally going off the charts. Using the analogy of human development, if the former shifts of consciousness were analogous to different stages of development of a human, passing through childhood into adolescence and then into adulthood, the shift we are undergoing right now corresponds to a kind of shift one might experience in death. Of course, without actually dying. This is why this transformation is also called ascension. So 2012 is really about the ascension of humanity as whole into a new form of existence on earth.

Coming up: What happens after 2012 - Part I: Beginning of the New Earth

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