I started this blog to share my passion for astrology. But perhaps because of the whole 2012 shift that I wrote about here, I changed since last I wrote in ways that I can't even begin to put into words. In a nutshell, I realized that there are things I want to do that go far beyond what I can do with astrology. I decided to own all of my self, and not just this one bit. I still love astrology, but I realized astrology for me is like the little pond in my backyard, whereas I want to set sail to undiscovered oceans that no one has been before. And I already took off... just came back here one last time to say goodbye...

Keep well everyone.

Just remember: all you need to know is yourself...


all is well in all of creation...


January 4, 2011

From now until 2012 - Part II: It is all about perception

Today is another magical day. There is a partial eclipse of the sun. I am writing these words as the new moon is gliding between the Earth and the Sun. The Sun will soon be partly shadowed by the Moon. Again, the Moon, Earth, and the Sun are aligning with the Galactic Center. Again, a magical alignment magnified by the power of Pluto and the fierceness of Mars nearby. This is the continuation, or the counterpart of the 12-21-2010 alignment that I had talked about here. In my quirky way of thinking, I'd say that the arrow of the crossbow that was so elegantly drawn to its maximum ready to be shot into the future on December 21 has just been launched today. The future has begun. 

I don't know if it is the awesome alignments of these days, the numerology of the 11 year, or something else but I have a wonderful feeling that this year is going to be truly amazing. I used to be wary of such feelings because I'd want to spare myself the pain of disillusionment in case my 'good feelings' did not come true. So I'd just ignore them. What a shame... Now I know better. Now I know that it is up to me to choose what awaits down the road. Whatever I choose to perceive, that is what will happen. So now I am not holding back. I am choosing to see so very clearly and feel from the core of me that this is going to be a most amazing year full of the wonder and magic of awesome creation....

On the same note, let me underline that neither planets nor numbers actually "cause" anything.  There is nothing special or magical in any number or planet that can change anything in our lives. All the magic and the special energies that appear to be coming from numbers or the planets are actually coming from us. Beauty (and everything else) is really in the eye of the beholder.

This means, whatever happens in our lives is coming not from anything outside of us but from how we choose to perceive things. Whether it is the planets, numbers or anything else that we like to pay attention to (even mundane things like the news), we always shape our own reality by making two crucial choices: One, what we choose to devote our attention to; and two, how we choose to perceive that thing...

If you haven't thought about what this really means until now, then please stop for a second and think about it now. I am emphasizing because, for me, this has been the most important, most profound, most life-changing realization ever in all of my existence. It means, I am the creator of everything I have ever experienced, everything in my reality now, and everything that I will experience in my future. It means I am the Creator. I am the God of my own life. 

I create my reality through my perceptions. Not my thoughts, mind you. I don't believe we create with our thoughts. Thoughts are a function of the mind and are very very limited. But perception is not. Thoughts can be easily manipulated through conditioning, and conditioning is actually the opposite of creation. It is forced and limiting, whereas creation can only happen when allowed to flow with ease and freedom. This is why things like affirmations and positive thinking don't really work. Because they are all about manipulation of thoughts. Perception, on the other hand, cannot really be forced because it is intuitive and intuition comes from the core of our being. It is about what we choose to focus our attention on. The fuel of creation is our intuitive attention. 

For all these reasons, I cannot tell you how the astrology of these times will effect you, or what the energies of the planets will bring into your life. What I can tell you is how I am perceiving these energies, what they involve and when they can be felt most intensely. But what you do with them is completely up to you. If you want to know how planets (or anything else for that matter) effect you and what they bring into your life, then pay attention to what you are focusing on in your life, what you are choosing to perceive and how you are perceiving them. What are you diverting your mental and emotional energies on a daily basis? Right now? Yes, right at this moment? It is in these issues and fields that you will feel the effects of the planets most intensely. Not because the planets are causing these. But because you are choosing (whether consciously or not) to use the energies coming from the planets in this way. 

All this being said, there is no doubt in my mind that a lot will happen between now and 2012. As I wrote here, the alignment of 12-21-2010 opened a gate through which very powerful and long-lasting energies started to pour into our reality. The alignment was like the 'Finger of God', as it is called,  or what I referred to as a crossbow, pointing at the 'Gate of God' that brought light in our darkest hour to remind us humans that we are on our way Home. It is the coming into light, or coming into our awareness of Spirit, our own divine self, our essence which has been hidden in the shadows of our humanness. 

The cosmic arrow that was launched today with the solar eclipse sets off the beginning of waves of energy that will continue to flow into our reality throughout this year. There will be powerful bursts of intensity again around June 15 (when we will have another full lunar eclipse) and from November 11 (another beautiful alignment, a full moon and an 11:11:11 day) onwards until the end of the year. These waves of energy are magnified with the presence of powerful Pluto (the planet of radical transformation and regeneration), ignited with the fiery energies of Mars, and electrified by the liberating energies of Uranus. This means that these waves will come in fast (Uranus), with a lot of power and force (Pluto and Mars) that will transform (Pluto) just about anything and everything toward complete freedom (Uranus), grace (Venus) and joy (Jupiter). 

Overall, these powerful waves are more like energetic tsunamis that will wash away the veil that has been eclipsing the Spirit within from our human awareness. Remember that the word 'spirit' means nothing else but essence. This veil that has been hiding our own essence from our human sight is made up of illusions and belief systems that we have been using to define our reality and our human existence for a very very long time. This veil is present not only within each one of us, but also in the collective consciousness of humanity. We have been living behind this veil for so long that we forgot all about what was behind it. Many of us chose to pretend that there is nothing there. We have been trying to live our lives disconnected from Spirit for so long that we forgot who we were, where we came from and why we are here on earth as humans. So we tried to compensate for this loss of connection with different make-believe alternatives, like religions, complex belief systems, or through distractions like drama, power games, wars and the like.

The waves of energy that were just launched are designed to wash away all these illusions that separated our human existence from Spirit. Obviously this is much easier said than done. I mean, this is like waking up from a comatose sleep that lasted for hundreds of thousands of years into the reality of our existence behind the veil that we never even knew existed. 

These waves are metaphors for change. Since they involve the totality of human life on earth, these waves will involve radical changes in economic and financial systems, in political systems and governments, in technology, in religions and churches, in the physical structure of Earth itself (i.e. earthquakes, volcanoes and climate changes) and in our bodies. It will involve a lot of destruction that is a necessary part of renewal and rebirth, because the washing away of the veil means that all these things that have been sustaining our sense of reality and existence on the dark side of the veil for so long will be dissolving. 

So how can we cope with waves of such intensity and power? How can we deal with such intense change and transformation? The best way to deal with them is to ride the waves very much like a skilled surfer would. Say you are in your ship in the middle of an ocean (and you are indeed in the middle of the sea of human consciousness) and powerful waves are coming your way. Obviously, you cannot really avoid the waves or hide from them.  Trying to strengthen your ship won't also work, because these waves are much too powerful for that. You can also go on top of the waves but then try to manipulate them or force them to go in a certain direction you want, but if you do that, you will most likely fall off the wave to be tossed around violently, only to end up in the same place that you will land had you chosen to just surrender to the wave in trust and ride it smoothly wherever it takes you, just like a skilled surfer would. 

And would you really want to avoid or resist the waves anyway? Yes, there is a part of all of us that wants to hold on to the secure corner of life that we have crafted for ourselves so carefully in this lifetime, but remember that this was only to get us through life as we tried to survive on our own on the dark side of the veil. What is approaching is unimaginably far beyond any kind of security or the limited sense of comfort that we can ever hope to provide for our self in the sleeping-human mode that we have been in for eons. 

In short, when these waves of change start to come into your life, I suggest that you invite them in, let go of all control, stay in trust no matter what happens around you and know that all is happening perfectly as they should to serve you in the best way possible. Remember that all this was designed by your higher self, your Spirit so that you can finally come together and become One with yourself. There is no higher love and joy.

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