I started this blog to share my passion for astrology. But perhaps because of the whole 2012 shift that I wrote about here, I changed since last I wrote in ways that I can't even begin to put into words. In a nutshell, I realized that there are things I want to do that go far beyond what I can do with astrology. I decided to own all of my self, and not just this one bit. I still love astrology, but I realized astrology for me is like the little pond in my backyard, whereas I want to set sail to undiscovered oceans that no one has been before. And I already took off... just came back here one last time to say goodbye...

Keep well everyone.

Just remember: all you need to know is yourself...


all is well in all of creation...


December 27, 2010

From Now Until 2012 - Part I: Astrology as Art

What amazes me with astrology is that every time I look at a chart, I see something different. It is the same planets, the same angles, the same placements, yet each time I look at it, I see yet another layer that I hadn't noticed before. It is very much like looking at a beautiful painting, or reading a beautiful piece of poetry which never seems to get old because each time you look at it, or read it, you experience it in a slightly (or a completely) different way.

This is because astrology, very much like painting or poetry, is art, and not science. As in all other forms of art, in astrology not only beauty but also knowledge is in the eyes of the beholder. So each time I look at a chart I see something different not because something in the chart has actually changed, but because my perspective has changed.

It is very important to understand this about astrology because it means what an astrologer sees in a chart (whether a chart of an event like the 12-21-2010 alignment, or your birth chart), totally depends on the perspective, mind set and even the mood of the astrologer at that moment. Unfortunately very very few astrologers read charts with the responsibility and self-awareness that the craft vitally necessitates. In my view, a responsible way of reading charts is when the astrologer offers the richness of potentials at any given chart and makes sure to convey that no matter how the planets are aligned, they are always there to serve us in the best way possible. In short, astrology is not there to take our power (of creating our own life) away, but to bring us empowerment and freedom.

All this being said, what I see in the chart for 12-21-2010 is an astoundingly powerful, rich and beautiful alignment of energies that have come together to open a path in front of us that leads, if we choose to take it, to complete empowerment and freedom. Since this alignment is so rich with multiple layers of meaning and is long lasting, it will take at least a couple of posts for me to go through all the energies I see there. This one will only be the introduction.

You might be thinking that there is no point in talking about this alignment since it has already happened. This is not the case. Each moment in space is like an energetic stamp that sends out waves of energies as powerful and long lasting as the power of the alignment itself. This is very much like throwing a piece of rock in a pond, which sends out ripples in all directions. The bigger and heavier the rock is and the larger the pond is, the ripples will be that much larger and will last that much longer. In this metaphor, the rock is the specific burst of energy that comes with the alignment, and the pond is the sea of human consciousness. Since this alignment is one of the most powerful alignments I've ever seen (equal to if not more than the 1987 Convergence or the 2003 Concordance as I talked about here) the ripples, or the waves of energy it sent out are very powerful and will last for a very long time.

The longevity of the ripples of any astrological moment depends on the cycles that are involved in that event. There are many cycles in this alignment but 3 of these are the most significant in determining the power and the endurance of its ripples. 

One of these is the one-year cycle of the Sun's movement relative to Earth's axis, which produces the solstices. Since one of the most important points in this alignment is the Winter Solstice Sun, the wave of energy brought about by this alignment will be the strongest throughout this year until the next Winter Solstice in 2011. 

The second is the cycle of the axis of the Moon's Nodes (formed by the movement of the Moon relative to Earth's orbit), which resulted in the Lunar Eclipse on this day. This axis involves both a two-year (18 months) cycle when the Moon's Nodes will be traveling through the Gemini-Sagittarius axis until late 2012, and also an 18-year cycle when the Node's will be traveling through this exact same point in 2028-29. This means that the energy ripples of this alignment will have the same energetic quality for the next two years, and will continue to be powerful and active for the next 20 years.

The third and the most significant is the 26,000 cycle which is a result of the the movement of the Sun (or rather the ecliptic - the plane of our solar system) around the center of the Galaxy. The start/end point of this cycle is the intersection point of the ecliptic and the plane of our Galaxy, which is a fixed point at about 27 degrees of Sagittarius. This intersection itself happens over a 36 year period, which is that long for the Sun to travel through this point (that started in 1980 and will end in 2016). This point is called "the Gate of God" in Vedic (Hindu) Astrology. Remember (here) that the "Finger of God" in this alignment is pointing at the "Gate of God" at this point. The length of this cycle and its relation to the "Gate of God" that represents the beginning of Creation itself suggests that this is not only about a particular aspect of our lives, but is about the overall evolution of Human Consciousness. It is possible that the last time our Solar system crossed this point 26,000 years ago corresponds to the fall of Atlantis.

This cycle is the most significant part of this alignment because it marks the completion of a 26K cycle and the beginning of a new era in Human Consciousness. This means that the energetic waves of this alignment will last all the way until the end of this new era. But the most significant part of this cycle is its beginning now when the Sun is still aligned with the "Gate of God" and the Galactic Center until 2016. 

What happened on 12-21-2010 was an unprecedented moment in the skies when the Sun, the Earth, and the Moon all lined up on the same path which was lit up momentarily by a very special kind of light coming from the "Gate of God."  As momentary as it was, this alignment was so special and powerful that the energetic stamp it imprinted on the sea of consciousness will not only last for a very long time, but has already marked the turning point in the evolution of human consciousness. This means that the waves of energy that this burst of energy started will leave no part of life on Earth untouched, and these waves will be felt most intensely in the next four years, possibly reaching a peak at the end of 2012. 

Coming up: 'What will the 12-21-2010 alignment bring' continued...

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