I started this blog to share my passion for astrology. But perhaps because of the whole 2012 shift that I wrote about here, I changed since last I wrote in ways that I can't even begin to put into words. In a nutshell, I realized that there are things I want to do that go far beyond what I can do with astrology. I decided to own all of my self, and not just this one bit. I still love astrology, but I realized astrology for me is like the little pond in my backyard, whereas I want to set sail to undiscovered oceans that no one has been before. And I already took off... just came back here one last time to say goodbye...

Keep well everyone.

Just remember: all you need to know is yourself...


all is well in all of creation...


June 14, 2011

Amazing Lunar Eclipse on 15 June 2011

 The Full Lunar Eclipse that will take place on 15 June, 2011 is perhaps the most important astrological event in the whole 2010-2012 period after the 12-21-2010 Lunar Eclipse that I wrote about here. To me, this rare perfect full moon eclipse represents a continuation of the energies that were set into motion on 21 December of last year. It is more like the peak point of these waves of energies that have been culminating up to this point, which will now start to come downhill, so to speak. The eclipse will be fully visible on the time zone that Turkey is located (which also includes Israel, Egypt, and Finland), which will being at 22:22 hours, and the exact mid-point of the eclipse (when the Sun and the Moon will exactly be aligned on 24th degree of the Sagittarius-Gemini axis ) is around 23:11, or 11:11 p.m.

The Moon will be eclipsed on this day on the 24th degree of Sagittarius, which is a point much closer to the Galactic Center (at 27' Sagittarius) than it was on December 21, 2010, or will be for many years to come. Since this alignment with the Galactic Center is why I think these astrological events are connected to the whole 2012 phenomenon, the Lunar Eclipse of June 15 is arguably the most important astrological event of this whole period.

February 18, 2011

What happens after 2012 - Beginning of the New Earth

It may seem as if I've wandered away from astrology but I haven't. I look at daily charts and everyday I see another meaningful pattern or alignment, but if I tried to write about each, I'd be typing away here everyday. And basically I'd be saying the same thing over and over. Because the patterns forming in the skies these days are all just continuation of the 21 December 2010 event that I wrote about here. Or so they seem to me. It is like the planets are rearranging themselves everyday to highlight yet another aspect of great transformation that we are going through. So rather than writing about the specific components of this transformation, I prefer writing on what this great change is all about, and where it is taking us. There is so much to be said on this that I don't want to get lost in the astrological details of daily transitions, because these details only make sense as part of the larger picture. 

So what is the larger picture?

January 31, 2011

What exactly will happen in 2012 - The Great Shift of Consciousness

I was so inspired by the Eclipse/Solstice of 12 December 2010 that I decided to start my own blog on astrology. When I first saw how planets all came together in a beautiful pattern that day, and how that rare pattern was coinciding with other very rare events themselves, like the alignment with the Galactic Center that is related to the 2012 phenomenon, my jaw had dropped in awe. As I wrote here, I was convinced that this amazing cosmic synchronicity was in fact the real 2012 turning point that the Mayans had predicted.

However, since then I've been looking more into the whole 2012 phenomenon and noticing how there are many others who claim that 2012 already happened. Some claim it happened in 1998 when the center of the Sun passed through the Galactic Center as I also talked about. Some suggest that the astrological component of 2012 happened in 2003 when we had the Harmonic Concordance, which was an astounding  astrological event that happened on November 8, 2003. Others (Kryon, Tobias) suggest it happened in September 2007, on a  numerologically significant 9-9-9 day, when humanity had a 'Quantum Leap' of consciousness. And of course, there are still many others who claim that it will happen in 21 December 2012.

Even though I am still convinced that 21 December 2010 is the most significant date among all these (since it is the only one when all there components - astrology, numerology and the Galactic Alignment coincide on the same day), after reading all this I realized that the exact date really doesn't matter that much for several reasons.

January 11, 2011

From Now (11:11) Until 2012 - Part III: What is magic and how do we create it?

Yet another magical day... Today's magic is in the numerology of the date. 1-11-11. It is magical because I choose to see in this alignment of numbers the magic of 11:11. There are many people around me who think seeing magic in numbers (or planets for that matter) means I've gone completely nuts. Well, if finding magic in things I see around me means I am crazy, so be it. And even if so, just because I am crazy doesn't mean magic doesn't exist. :) 

Actually, I agree that there is nothing magical in numbers or planets themselves. The source of magic - like anything else in our reality - is within ourselves. It is I who places magic in the number 11:11. I do it by choosing to perceive it as magical. If I have the choice to either see magic in what is before me, or to ignore all such things because it is not rational, then by all means, I am choosing the former. For me, there is virtually no difference between choosing to see amazing beauty in a lovely sunset and awesome magic in the alignment of numbers. They are both in the eyes of the beholder. If I can create magic in my life by choosing to perceive it around me, why would I choose a dull reality with no magic and no beauty in it? I choose to have a beautiful reality full of magic.

January 4, 2011

From now until 2012 - Part II: It is all about perception

Today is another magical day. There is a partial eclipse of the sun. I am writing these words as the new moon is gliding between the Earth and the Sun. The Sun will soon be partly shadowed by the Moon. Again, the Moon, Earth, and the Sun are aligning with the Galactic Center. Again, a magical alignment magnified by the power of Pluto and the fierceness of Mars nearby. This is the continuation, or the counterpart of the 12-21-2010 alignment that I had talked about here. In my quirky way of thinking, I'd say that the arrow of the crossbow that was so elegantly drawn to its maximum ready to be shot into the future on December 21 has just been launched today. The future has begun. 

I don't know if it is the awesome alignments of these days, the numerology of the 11 year, or something else but I have a wonderful feeling that this year is going to be truly amazing. I used to be wary of such feelings because I'd want to spare myself the pain of disillusionment in case my 'good feelings' did not come true. So I'd just ignore them. What a shame... Now I know better. Now I know that it is up to me to choose what awaits down the road. Whatever I choose to perceive, that is what will happen. So now I am not holding back. I am choosing to see so very clearly and feel from the core of me that this is going to be a most amazing year full of the wonder and magic of awesome creation....

On the same note, let me underline that neither planets nor numbers actually "cause" anything.  There is nothing special or magical in any number or planet that can change anything in our lives. All the magic and the special energies that appear to be coming from numbers or the planets are actually coming from us. Beauty (and everything else) is really in the eye of the beholder.

This means, whatever happens in our lives is coming not from anything outside of us but from how we choose to perceive things. Whether it is the planets, numbers or anything else that we like to pay attention to (even mundane things like the news), we always shape our own reality by making two crucial choices: One, what we choose to devote our attention to; and two, how we choose to perceive that thing...